Hoffmitz Milken Center for Typography (HMCT) 2023

Typographics NYC 2023

Transformed by the Tropics: Migration and visual cues in Venezuelan Design https://2023.typographics.com/conference/faride-mereb

Víctor Viano: Diseño de portada – Boston 2023


10×10 Research Grant presentation 2022

Online by Covid protocols Faride Mereb Karmele Leizaola and Venezuelan Publishing Yasmine Nachabe Taan Catherine Leroy’s Work in Beirut Uschi Klein Clara Spitzer and Women Photographers in Communist…

Process & Collaboration: CBA + CUNY 2021

Online because of Covid: https://centerforbookarts.org/calendar/panel/process-collaboration-designing-poetry-chapbooks-in-the-book-arts

Approximation to Venezuelan Editorial Design

Altos de Chavón Design School La Romana, DR (2017) http://altosdechavon.edu.do/

Lecture on Venezuela’s Poetry and Book History

Gualajara Book Fair Guadalajara, Mexico (2017) https://www.fil.com.mx

Approximation to Venezuelan Editorial Design

ILAS, Columbia University NYC, USA (2016) http://ilas.columbia.edu/

Design & Poetry

University of Palermo Buenos Aires, Argentina (2013) http://www.palermo.edu/